Friday, December 21, 2007

Licking out the Bowl

Like most children, Cohen loves to "lick out the bowl" after I'm done baking something sweet. But now Christian has begun to show an interest in everything his older brother when Christian crawled up, I was bracing myself for some screeching and shouting (and yes, shoving and hitting)...before I would inevitably have to stop baking, intervene and supervise for the next ten minutes...

But this is what I found.

Aww...Such loving and well behaved children I have! (I quickly snapped a couple of pictures before we all returned to the real world of siblings.)

1 comment:

Mom and Dad Kern said...

How sweet! Siblings will be siblings, maybe they do have their squabble times, but those moments will fade in your memory, and you'll always remember these loving moments.

We love you all!

Mom and Dad