Thursday, November 29, 2007


While we were at Fernanda's house this past weekend we were showered with some very special cultural gifts for a growing baby: coconuts.

Fernanda's family has a coconut tree in their yard and they sent a little boy to climb up and take down a dozen or so to give as gifts for Christian.

And this was a BIG tree! According to local tradition, if a baby drinks lots of coconut water, he will have no trouble with speech, and in fact, will speak "early."

After the coconuts were down, Fernanda's son demonstrated how to break them open (which, incidentally, is VERY hard work).

Everyone joined in to peel them. Then they offered one right away to Christian. Afterall, they want him talking EARLY!

Christian, being the good little cross-cultural kid that he is, was eager to taste something new.

Dribble, dribble all over Mommy.

Turns out he LOVES the stuff.

Great! Just what we need. Now, I can't prove or disprove local belief about coconut water helping babies to talk early as I can't reference any scientific studies. However, I can tell you what I DO know about excess amounts of coconut water....let's just say it "cleans out your system"!! And very quickly!


Anonymous said...

Who knew... coconut milk as a natural "cleanser" :)

Kristina said...

How funny! Our Compassion Child from India mentioned Coconut Water in her letter and the next time I was at Kroger, I saw some in the organic section, packaged like the Horizon milks that don't have to be refrigerated (did you ever use those with Cohen?) I bought some and Libby had a taste but maybe I should have given her more because she has problems "going" Thanks for sharing! Kristina

Mom and Dad Kern said...

We love the glimpse you give us of your life there in Mozy. We continue to pray daily for you, and now especially with what has happened there these days. We hope you will indeed be able to get to SA and that you have a good and restful vacation after such stressful days.
We love you all with all our hearts.
Mom and Dad Kern