Monday, December 31, 2007


I found a chameleon hiding in my flowers on the back porch the other day. Actually, I'm not exactly sure it was a chameleon, but that was my best guess.

He was a little shy of the camera and kept trying to hide. (Just ignore the three cocaroaches that snuck into the picture on the left hand side--they're always trying to steal the show.)
No, seriously, we don't have THAT many cocaroaches ALWAYS hanging around our back porch...we had just sprayed bug killer the day before so they all came out for one last hurah.

It is an amazing thing to watch your kids wonder at creation.

I hope my children are always this curious, this enthralled, at the beauty of our world.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon! I got to catch up on your blog tonight and just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you guys and keeping you in prayer- what a challenging season you guys have been through...thanks for keeping us up to date with the emails.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you the best in this new year...


Kristina said...

I thought of you this week while I was reading Beth Moore's blog (have you read it?) She wanted to know where all her readers were from and there was one from Mozambique! There were over 2000 comments but if you are ever bored you may want skim them to make another connection over there. Who knows it could be clear across the country since I have no concept of size or wouldn't recognize any other cities -- maybe I should get out the encyclopedia and start learning! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, kl