Monday, July 9, 2007

Cohen's Birthday in Gorongosa

Cohen has turned 2! We have been out in "the bush" for the past couple of weeks as Stefan has been leading a short-term team from Food for the Hungry US. So we were all out in Gorongosa together with 13 other new friends from the US for Cohen's birthday.

On the day of Cohen's birthday, Stefan, Cohen, and Christian took a break in the shade of a tree as we shuttled the team on their visits to different projects that Food for the Hungry is working on in the district of Gorongosa.

We toured several agricultural projects that churches have come together to work on in their communities. Cohen however, was mostly interested in the cute little frogs.

Part of our time in the community that day was spent with a group of women who portrayed what they had been learning about healthy living practices and the love of God through music and dancing. Their joy and dynamic spirit were wonderful to witness! After some prompting by the women (and some from my husband who somehow managed to get this shot), Christian and I joined them briefly--they were absolutely delighted and laughed to see a "white girl" try to participate in their demonstrative dancing.

Cohen's birthday celebration started after his nap as he played with balloons outside while I decorated a bit and finished up the cake and brigadeiros.

Cohen with his "loot." Thanks to several US visitors within the past few months, Cohen had many presents saved up from grandparents and other friends back home in Kentucky. (Thanks so much! Your gifts were wonderful!) Christian missed out on the fun that night as he somehow managed to sleep through the party.

Cohen needed a little help from his daddy blowing out the candles. His concept of blowing at this point is still mostly just putting his lips together and making funny noises. Actually, the whole house was filled with candles that night since the electricity went out--it was a truly beautiful evening.

Chocolate Cake! We made most of it up ahead of time and then wrestled a bit with a broken oven (and the roaches crawling out of it) to fix Cohen's 2-year-old birthday cake. It was definitely worth it as my beautiful boy truly enjoyed his cake (enough to give an exasperated sigh when Mommy interrupted his eating for one more picture)!


Mom and Dad Kern said...

Darline pictures. And you are such a good writer, Sharon. I hope you write a bood someday.

Mom Kern

Mom and Dad Kern said...

:-) I mean, "book".

Mom Kern

Kristina said...

Isn't the internet wonderful -- what a great way to communicate half way around the world! They showed the video this weekend at Southland of you all in Mozambique but even before that you were on my mind. Bobby, Libby and I went to Cincy and on our way home, we stopped to see Eric, Diana and the kids. Eric had just returned from a short term trip to Haiti and was a little under the weather with bronchitis. We hope he recovered just enough to go to the Reds baseball game the next night that Diana had gotten for him as a surprise!
Libby did the same thing with candles when she was that age. We ate by candlelight most nights (nothing romantic but just lack of overhead lighting!) so she got lots of practice with candles. Just wait for all the changes that will take place from two to three with Cohen this year -- you are in for a real treat as each age just gets better and better! I just wanted to say hello and that we are praying for you all! We have a blog if you ever want to catch up with us in KY. It is Kristina