Sunday, July 29, 2007

"Amigos Brasileiros" (Brazilian Friends) in Mozambique

Over the past couple of months we have been getting to know some Brazilian missionaries who work in Beira and the surrounding communities with various organizations. They get together twice a month for fellowship in various people's houses. It has been so neat to become a part of this community of believers and we have really begun to see these missionaries as a group we can relax with and just come away refreshed for ministry.

We are typically packed into someone's living room for a time of devotions and worship, and as you can see, kids are very much a part of the service.

Pastor Alfonso and his wife seem to be the patriarchs of the group as they are some of the oldest missionaries in the area--they work with AIM (African Inland Missions).

After getting to know this couple a bit, we found out that they are from Guajara-Mirim--a small little town in "the middle of nowhere" in Brazil where Stefan's parents made their buying trips for the village and where Stefan spent much of his childhood. Pretty crazy!

Christian enjoying the worship...(at five months now, he can't sit still--but hasn't quite picked up crawling--so he spends much of his time in my lap kicking his little legs as fast as they can go).

One of the nice things about being with a group of people like this is "sharing" your kids. One of the ladies took Christian outside for a bit to give me a break.

Stefan talking with the guys...if you're thinking they're having an in-depth discussion on ministry strategies, theology, or cross-cultural biblical teaching...well, you might be right. But, more than likely it's: soccer.

Of course, one of the best things about getting together with Brazilians is the food! Many of the group are from the state of Goias (where Sharon attended school) and we've been enjoying flavors from our childhood like: farofa, Brazilian-style rice, pudim, pao de queijo.

Cohen often spends much of the time outside running around with the kids. By the time we get him back home for his afternoon nap, he is typically filthy, red-faced, sweaty, and exhausted: just the way we like a little boy to be, right?

1 comment:

Dan and Marcy said...

Yep! Boys and dirt go together. Even big boys ??