Monday, August 11, 2008

Neighbor's yard: As seen from our Veranda

One of the neat things about our apartment is that it has breezy veranda that extends out from our living room. The boys love it out there and Christian is particularly entertained with the view we have of our neighbors and their yard.

And when I say "entertained," I mean he literally pulls up a chair and sits there watching all that is happening in their yard! Because our neighbor's yard is filled with:

Ducks and chickens and roosters and Guinea hens and...

turkeys! I think they fascinate him so much because at night he is so freaked out by them. They all make such a ruccous at night (especially when they get in fights with dogs) and since Cohen's and Christian's bedroom window opens up right into the neighbor's yard, they get an earful. Usually the first thing Christian does when we walk into his room in the morning is point toward the window animatedly trying to sound out "turkey" and "duck" and "chick chick" and "doggy."

So naturally he finds it interesting to actually watch these animals who make all the noise outside his window all day and night.


Kristina said...

How neat! All Libby gets to hear out her windown is the neighbor revving up his car! Give us some of God's creation any day. Cohen looks adorable in his little green chair.

Thanks for post the everyday things. We went to UK Football Fan day on Saturday. I should be posting soon.

Libby has just come down in a strawberry dress (now too small so she wears as a shirt), pink shorts, yellow socks and black patent leather shoes. I wish you could see! It was so quiet upstairs I thought she had put herself down for a nap. Guess it's time to get off the computer. Talk again soon, K

Mom and Dad Kern said...

Christian is almost too pretty to be a boy!!!! I love that last picture. Just makes me want to hug on him and give him a big kiss. He's Oma's little boy.
Mom Kern