Tuesday, July 29, 2008

peanut butter

Since arriving in Nampula, Jose (the "empregado"--house help--of the family who previously lived in our house) has been helping us out as we look for an "empregada"(female house help). It seems to be pretty difficult to find a female empregada up here for various cultural reasons and the norm is definitely for men to be in these positions--they do everything from washing laundry to running errands to serving as a sort of security guard. Although it has definitely been a cultural adjustment for me (Sharon) to get used to having him around the house throughout these past weeks, we have been thankful for his help.

The other day, I asked him to show me how to make peanut butter in the traditional Mozambican way. Cohen was in dreamland that afternoon but Christian got in on the fun.

After roasting 2 kg of peanuts, Jose rubbed the peanuts together to get the peels loose.

Christian also helped.

Then, using a "peneira" (a woven reed basket/sifter), Jose repeatedly tossed the peanuts into the air and the wind blew away the peels.

Next, he emptied the peanuts into the "pilao" (large wooden mortar).

It took about 15 minutes of strenuous pounding to grind the peanuts, occasionally separating the fine grounds from the large pieces with the "peneira" again.

Finally, the peanuts were ground into small pieces and the natural oils began to make them creamy. Later I added a sprinkle of sugar and pinch of salt and we now have 2 kg of crunchy peanut butter!

Christian, what are you doing with the peneira?

And hey! That's peanut butter in your hair!


The Three 22nds said...

looks like fun! Without peanut butter, we would all starve at our house!

Kristina said...

How neat! I have never been to the JIF plant here in town, but I hear they do lots of field trips for the elementary students. That would be something fun to do the next time you all visit! K