Monday, March 1, 2010


Christian had some friends over to celebrate his 3rd birthday by splashing around in a few wading pools in our yard.

He was particularly excited about his birthday cake and especially liked choosing the sprinkles to put on it. He was completely proud that he was FINALLY the one who got to blow out candles (after attending multiple parties where he was told NOT to blow them out).

Of course we told him he did not have permission to touch the flame when it sparkled back to life. But in the constant testing of boundaries, curiosity, and (ahem) defiance that is life with Christian, sometimes we find it best to let him discover the consequences of disreguarding wisdom on his yes, he walked away from his birthday party with two slightly singed fingers (and absolutely no remorse).

Stefan decided to give Wesley a taste of egg white and chocolate a month earlier than the traditional "one year". Of course she loved it...and loved her daddy for it.

Christian got his first bike--but it took a while for it to sink in. Cohen seemed more excited than Christian at first (perhaps because his little mind jumped to the implications that he wouldn't have to "share" his anymore?)

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