Thursday, March 19, 2009

a boy's paradise

Since arriving in South Africa a few weeks ago, we have been staying in one of the guest flats of the mission agency Mercy Air--an organization that does flight outreaches into Mozambique. Their property is on what used to be an old farm and the wide open spaces, green grass, and hills are a boy's paradise.

Cohen and Christian have been loving having a "real" yard and taking advantage of more time with their dad.

Even something as simple as a swing has been so much fun for them. They also enjoy watching monkeys steal into the yard to eat fruit off the trees.
By far their favorite thing to do, though, is walk up to the grass air strip and hangars. Every day they watch planes fly in and take off and get so incredibly awed and fascinated each time. Christian particularly gets excited and exlaims each and every time about the "LOUD NOISE!"
One day they even got to watch Stefan go on a ride in the helicopter.
With the boys so easily entertained, it has also been in a sense "mommy's paradise" as well! Here I am enjoying the last Sunday with our family of only boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww I love that pic of Christian on the swing! What a cutie!! :D