Monday, February 2, 2009

The Birthday Party

This past Sunday we were invited to a celebration of the first birthday of our neighbors' baby girl. We've gotten to know the family a bit since moving in six months ago--particularly the children as our kids sometimes play on the sidewalk out in front of our houses together. The parents own a used car parts shop in town and are often gone long hours so although we've spent quite a bit of time with the children and the "nanny", we haven't been able to get to know the parents as well as we would like to.

If when you think of Mozambique, you think of mud huts and thatched roofs...and, for example, our neighbors (on the other side) who raise large quantities of loud foul in their yard and regularly slaughter goats...and if you think of Nampula as being a heavily Muslim area with women wearing long skirts and covering their would be completely right! And last I heard, Mozambique was still ranked up there as one of the most impoverished countries in the world. But there are also the more privileged and less religious Mozambicans who make up this country and culture and this birthday party turned out to be quite an interesting cultural experience that had us adjusting some stereotypes!

We knew that the invitation was for our whole family, and understanding the generally relaxed sense of time here, we arrived at the location for the party a little past the time given. We were told that the party would be held on the ground floor of one of the larger buildings here in Nampula that houses several businesses, shops, and a cafe. As it turns out, the location of the party was a night club--which appeared to be locked up when we arrived. After about a half hour, the host family with the birthday girl arrived! And we were escorted into the night club (turns out we were the first guests) where we waited for another half hour for the party to start.

Cohen and Christian had fun throwing around balloons that were being used to decorate the room. It was an interesting atmosphere, to say the least! Lights were dimmed and other colorful lights were flashing...Heavy liquor lined the walls surrounded by clusters of balloons. The party was being set up by the same people who typically run the night club...and let's just say that their attire was more along the lines of their night job rather than your typical capulana and conservative dress!

And then the music started. Apparently the night club didn't own any children's music so they played what they had...the lyrics of which would be completely inappropriate to repeat on this blog...we were thankful that our children lacked any comprehension of most of the phrases! Maybe to balance out their lack of children's music, the night club people projected a Disney cartoon beamed in by satelite onto one of the walls...although it was quite impossible to hear.

After a while, the other children began to arrive...probably about 30 or so in total...some with their moms and dads, others with their nannys...and I'm quite sure some were just dropped off at the door (if the chaos were any indication!)

Cohen and Christian got right in with the rest of the kids and played with the baloons...but I have to say that they mostly seemed in a daze with all the over-stimulation of the lights and music and children running around unsupervised.

Speaking of over-stimulation...the birthday girl (remember, she is turning ONE!) seemed a bit overwhelmed. She readily went to a face she recognized and clung to Stefan while chewing on her fingers.

The food was pretty amazing...tray after tray of sweets and cookies and cakes and salty snacks and chicken pastries...In the end we didn't get much visiting done with the mother or father of the birthday girl afterall...but it was a really interesting experience. And we were glad to have been invited.
Oh...and did I mention? It was an open bar....!?!?!?! And we're not talking orange juice and milk!

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