Monday, March 17, 2008

"Toy Story"

Several months ago some friends sent Cohen a DVD of Disney's "Toy Story" which fast became one of his favorites. Interestingly, the movie is quite an emotional rollercoaster for our son, who we affectionately refer to as having a "tender heart." Cohen giggles and laughs and watches with rapt attention virtually every DVD he has--this one beinng no exception. However, there is a scene in the story where the character "Buz Lightyear" discovers that he is, in fact, and toy and cannot, afterall, actually fly. And Cohen responds with tears every time. When I first discovered my two-and-a-half year old son with tears streaming down his cheeks I was horrified that he was so sad and thought I would never let him watch the movie again. However, he actually loves it, and when the roughly 30 seconds of melancholy music is over he laughs delightedly at the turn of events in the movie and is once again giggling away throughout. So we've taken to sitting with him during the "sad" part of the DVD and holding his hand and assuring him all will be well...and Cohen is now at a point where he can get through the movie without crying.

Well, in a subsequent package, we recieved a "Buz Lightyear" costume that we had been saving for a special occasioin. After the boys went through a horrible week of sickness we decided just an ordinary day was that "special occasion" and brought out the costume, much to Cohen's delight.

Presenting...Buz Lightyear!

We "flew" around in circles...

...until we were too dizzy to walk!

"Flying" with Daddy was even GREATER fun!

Christian watched all the fun in his Opa's arms. (Stefan's father has been here visiting us).

Cohen shared his "hat" with Christian.

All worn out! Not to mention sweaty from wearing a costume designed for October weather in the US on a hot March evening in Africa!


Kristina said...

What a delightful story! Love the pictures. I tried to take of Libby today in her St. Patrick's day green for school but no go. Maybe I can get her in her Easter dress this weekend. I bet it is nice to have family visiting. We had the African Children's Choir at church this weekend. Were you all here the first time they came? You all have a blessed Easter, Kristina

Mom and Dad Kern said...

Very sweet insight into our little Cohen's personality. I'm so glad the children are better, praise the Lord for answered prayer! I wish I could be there too! I'm glad Opa can spend this time with you.
All my love, Oma

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Cohen's tender heart makes me smile... as does his bravery in working it through. The pictures are great!!

The Three 22nds said...

I love looking at things from my kids point of view- there are a lot of things that I have forgotten are scary or sad, it is an excellent reminder! Glad to hear and see from the pictures that the boys are feeling better. We have been praying for them!

The Three 22nds said...

Combine that movie with TS2 and the Canon is probably the single greatest movie ever made!


Brian and Piper Cleary said...

Love the Buzz Lightyear costume. Do they have them in adult sizes?

Happy Easter,

Brian & Piper Cleary

Kristina said...

S & S,
Just wanted to wish Stefan belated birthday wishes! We went out with Bobby's family for dinner Wednesday night. Did you all do anything special? Hope all is well, K