Monday, January 21, 2008


Just kidding. It isn't really snowing here.

But the boys devised a plan to play in the "snow" never-the-less. I walked into their room to a "winter wonderland" the other day. By their expressions you may be able to imagine our dialogue...

("What did you do?!")
("Just look at this big mess you've made!")

("Yes, and you too, Christian!")


Cohen seemed to pick up on the fact that I wasn't really excited about their grand idea. Christian, however, played on in oblivion.


Anonymous said...

It actually is snowing here today- in bucket fulls! Sure looks like they had a good time... and made an impressive mess ;)

Kristina said...

Snow day today -- schools are closed! But Libby and I did have to get out -- to have three staples removed from her head! This was actually more traumatic than the original ER visit. The weather has been unusually cold (sunny so that's nice) but the snow was a nice to go along with it. Hope you all don't get any more snow! kl

Mom and Dad Kern said...

You caught the perfect moments, Sharon!

Dan and Marcy said...

Sharon,God has a great sense of humor! Even when the "crises" requires a "gentle rebuke" (or whatever degree you may feel is appropriate to the occasion)- even in the midst of the "event" there is still FUN AND REASON TO SMILE or laugh out loud. Helps us to "lighten up" when we don't even realize we needed to... Your boys are having TOO MUCH FUN there in Mozy - and this Tamu and SaĆ­ are missing out. Thanks for sharing that "fun" with us :) We love you-all!

Unknown said...

That same snow storm hit our house not too long ago!