Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Beach

What to write on a first post on a first blog? Not even sure where this blog is going at this point other than serving as an attempt to join twenty-first century communication.

How life has changed from the time Stefan and I were little squirts romping and reveling in our own little lives as missionary kids--from the Amazon jungle to the highlands of central Brazil! And now here we are with our own two little ones--their view vastly different than our own as they look out from the shore of Mozambique. As parents we wonder what this experience will be for them...hoping they will be blessed as we were with the opportunity to live extraordinary childhoods as they come to know and love this God who led them, at least for now, to this country...these people...this view.


Dolores Schuring said...

Hooray and congratulations. I AM learning to follow my grandkids/greatgrandkids lives as they slowly introduce me to blogs

Mom and Dad Kern said...

This is gonna be fun! A wonderful way to keep up with our family. We love you and pray for you daily!