Monday, November 15, 2010

hike in the woods

It is sometimes hard to even think back and remember what life was like in Mozambique last year around this time. The months tend to blend into one-another without the changing of seasons like we have in North America.

This year it has been so fun to experience autumn with the kids--the rushing in of fresh, cool weather, brightly colored leaves, pumpkins and apples, hot chocolate... The other day we took a Saturday morning to take them on a hike in a state park.

Cohen and Christian bundled up with their new hats and loved alternately running ahead and dwadling behind looking for acorns, rocks, leaves, and special sticks.

Wesley rode on Stefan's back for most of the hike.

They enjoyed a snack from a lookout point.

The boys in the family (and even Mommy) are getting used to the...emotional drama...that sometimes comes with little girls.

Fortunately, Wesley's little "storms" don't usually last long and she is quickly back to her charming and typically joyful self.

1 comment:

Dan and Marcy said...

It´s fun to see you-all at the very same places where we USED to enjoy the outdoors. Even tho it would be Oh so much FUNNER to actually BE THERE WITH YOU-ALL! Enjoy this season of your lives! Each season has it´s memories that one can treasure - especially when we choose to TAKE TIME to make those "special moments" the hurry of life. Thanks for sharing your heart, daughter! We love and miss you-all SO MUCH. Luv Mom :)