Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Henry Clay Estate

Stefan's parents from Germany recently visited us and we took them to the Henry Clay Estate to walk around with the boys one morning.

The grounds are so beautiful and it was fun to watch the kids explore the grass and leaves and sticks--all so different from what they are used to in Mozambique.

It was very special to spend some time with the boys' Opa and Oma. Oma met Christian for the first time.
We took some pictures of Stefan, his father, and Cohen....and while I was trying to get a good shot, we had someone join the party.


scott angelo said...

sharon, i love your look so slim...beautiful

Kristina said...

Great family picture of the four of you! Too cute of him climbing over the bench, he was just letting you know he didn't want to be left out of the "Kern men" picture! Glad you all are enjoying your KY time with family, k