Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Henry Clay Estate

Stefan's parents from Germany recently visited us and we took them to the Henry Clay Estate to walk around with the boys one morning.

The grounds are so beautiful and it was fun to watch the kids explore the grass and leaves and sticks--all so different from what they are used to in Mozambique.

It was very special to spend some time with the boys' Opa and Oma. Oma met Christian for the first time.
We took some pictures of Stefan, his father, and Cohen....and while I was trying to get a good shot, we had someone join the party.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Strawberry Picking in Wilmore

Last week we went strawberry picking with April and Bethaney and their families on a little farm outside of Wilmore. This was such a fun and unique experience for Cohen and Christian-- they have loved all the new berries they've tasted during our time back here in the States--picking berries with friends will definitely have to be something we do together whenever we are here! I thought it would be great to pick a few pounds myself to make some strawberry pie. But, alas, most of my time was spent supervising the boys' adventures. Maybe you can get an idea from the following pictures:

The girls and I and our nine kids all grabbed buckets and talked about the guidelines for strawberry picking: Pick only the ripe red ones, don't stomp on the bushes, You can eat all the strawberries you want--except DON'T eat the ones out of your sister's pail...

The kids set off excitedly up the hill to the strawberry patch...leaving the little ones to stumble along behind on their stubby little legs swinging buckets about half their size.

Cohen loved the challenge of hunting down the "wipe wed" strawberries and shouted excitedly every time he was successful, "Look Mommy! I found one!"... And I mean each and every time for the about two hours we were out there.

Christian kind of did his own thing.

I'm not really sure if he knew what we were all doing, but every once in a while he would stoop down like he saw us doing...

...reach out, and pop something in his mouth. I'm thinking some of those could have been strawberries, right?

Cohen showed me his bucket proudly. Of course, not all of them were as "wipe and wed" as I would have hoped for making a I sorted out the really good ones and, not having the heart to throw out his collection of not-so-ripe-ones (and, admittedly feeling a little guilty about tossing a couple of pounds of green strawberries my sons had picked), I set him down on the side of the patch and told him these "special" ones were for him and Christian to eat.

They LOVED them! I figured, they don't really know what they are supposed to taste like anyway.

Well, maybe Cohen had his suspicions about a couple particularly green ones.

While I finished picking a few more strawberries the boys entertained themselves.

And...hey! Christian, that's Mommy's bucket!