Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Meal

Christian is six months old today!

Here are some pictures of his first "meal"... something similar to rice cereal that we found at a local store. We began giving him this cereal about two weeks ago. He didn't seem to take to it very quickly...and after the second day, I decided to taste it myself. And that was when I discovered that it was, in fact, moldy. So Christian's first experience with cereal was the taste of mold because (despite having vaguely printed expiration dates on some processed food here), there really is no guarantee that the food you buy at the store is safe to eat. We had planned on making our own baby food anyway, due to the exorbitant costs. But this experience sure sealed the deal.

So now we have these wonderful pictures... to forever remind us of nearly poisoning our baby with his first foods. Sorry, Christian!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Oasis Retreat

I've spent the last two days running around on the beach after Cohen who, as you can see, is getting a little bit to courageous for his two-year-old britches!

Stefan was asked to speak at a conference/retreat for the British mission agency Oasis who also is headquartered here with us in Beira.

The retreat was held at "Rio Savanne"--a local getaway about an hour from Beira by car. Here are Stefan and Christian waiting for the boat to take us accross the river to the penninsula where the retreat was held.

The area is a prime location for local fishermen.

Our accomodations... We were really happy to have a tent which gave us somewhat more control over potential guests that wanted to join us for the night (We had a run-in with some rats in our bed in the middle of the night last time we went to Savanne...but that's another story...)

Stefan spent the days in meetings with the group...

.. and participating in their team-building activities.

The boys and I just hung out...

and ran around the beach.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Child Labor

Two years is certainly old enough to begin helping Daddy out with the chores.

Ah, yes... Have I told you yet about the grin Cohen pulls on his face upon hearing the words "Smile for the camera!"? He loves to pose!